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Student Success Strategies

Preparing for a test can bring feelings of nervousness and worry.
Consider this resource to help you engage your focus and reduce stress on the day of the test:
For some taking tests is no walk in the park. Typically, tests measure an understanding of the material you've learned about the topic, which helps you and your teacher know what you have learned. 
Consider this resource to learn about strategies that can be useful when you take tests.
Maybe you've come across an assignment, an activity, or a situation that doesn't create a "spark" to start or keep going.
Consider this resource to help you give you the nudge you need to stay motivated.
In middle school your school, home, and social schedules become more demanding of your time. Organization is a key component to maintain some balance, which will only become more important in the years to come. Come up with a daily plan to ensure your binder, backpack, and locker (gym and hallway lockers) are clean and organized.
Consider this resource to help you balance your time.
After a long study session, a short break can help with remembering what you have learned and help with concentration while you complete your classwork.
Consider this resource to help you create useful breaks when actively studying.
Stress is our body reacting to something that is pretty demanding. "Good" stress can help us feel prepared to cope with the situation without feeling too overwhelmed (think exciting carnival ride), while "Bad" stress can make you feel too overwhelmed, too unprepared, and/or unable to think about strategies that can be useful (think fear of not able to open your locker).
Consider these resources to help cope with stress. 
Getting the right amount of sleep is an important part of being successful at school. A good night's rest will help you stay awake in class, have the energy to make it through the day, and help you meet the demands of the rest of your day.
How many hours of sleep do you need each night? The experts suggest between 8-10 hours per night. 
Consider the resource to help you learn more about sleep and strategies that will help you sleep better.
Should I raise my hand? Walk up to my teacher's desk? See my teacher after class? Email my teacher? Asking for help is essential to getting an answer to your question....and the task can be a little bit intimidating. Each school staff member has their guidelines in place to help you ask your question at the right time. Learning to overcome fear in asking for help might take some practice, but it is an important skill to know.
Consider these resources to help you form your question for help.
The study skills you learn in middle school will help prepare you for high school and your post-secondary opportunities. Mastering good study skills is about getting organized, taking notes, and using your time wisely to complete assignments and study for tests.
Consider this study skills assessment resource to see what your study skills strengths are and what could use a little more work.